Creme Caramel

To judge by the instructions below this is not that easy to make. Very easy to demolish, however! :-D

It is a dessert with rich ingredients - all those eggs, the heavy cream - which you don't feel at all as you are eating it, or after you are done eating. You just want more. At least I do.

The origins of cr̬me caramel are disputed Рthe French, the English, and the Spanish all claim to be the original inventors of the dish. Although the name is French, some say that the French adopted it from English custard. When the Arabs brought sugar cane to Europe, Spanish cooks also discovered how to make a delicate and sweet custard, a historical exchange resulting in the creation of the famous crema Catalana. However, the French version is made only with whole milk or cream.

Delicious, whoever it was that invented it!

  • 1 ½ cups caster sugar
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 500 ml full fat milk
  • ½ cup thickened cream 
  • 1 vanilla bean, split
  • 4 eggs, plus 2 egg yolks
  • a kettle of hot water for the water bath

  • To make the caramel, place 1 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of water and lemon juice into a small heavy based saucepan. Bring up to a simmer and swirl until the sugar has dissolved. Let the mixture boil without stirring for 5 minutes, or until it is a deep amber colour. Remove the pan from the heat immediately as the caramel will continue to cook. Carefully pour the caramel strait away into a rectangle loaf pan or 18 - 20cm cake tin. Swirl the caramel over the base to cover and set aside at room temperature to set.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees (C) fan forced or 180 degrees (C) conventional.
  • Pour the milk, cream and vanilla into a saucepan. Place over a medium heat and bring up to a gentle simmer, but do not boil. Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and remaining ½ cup sugar in a bowl for 1 minute, or until combined. Gradually whisk in the hot milk mixture until smooth. Pour the mixture through a strainer over the caramel in the tin.
  • Place a clean tea towel into the base of a high-sided baking tray. Place the caramel tin on top of the towel and place the baking tray into the oven wrack. Pour hot water into the baking tray so it comes halfway up the sides of the tin. Bake for around 45 minutes, or until the custard is just set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the water bath for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate for 4 hours, or overnight.
  • Run a thin sharp knife around the sides of the tin. Invert a plate on top of the tin and flip over to turn out custard. Cut into slices and serve. 

Shamelessly filched from: 
Thank you Farm to Fork! :-)

Images: Unsplash, Pexels and Freepik.
